Booking for Exhibitors and Sponsors

Please see the details below for the available opportunities. Feel free to reach out for more information. Contact: Mia (mia.lindh [at]

Become part of FPGAworld

Sign up and become an exhibitor for our events here. Contact mia.lindh [at] for more information.

  • 2 x 1.2 m booth per company, with no extra charge for additional people.
  • You choose your exhibition booth when you arrive on the morning of the conference day.
  • Power supply 220V for each booth and Wi-Fi.
  • Company name on conference program.
  • Company name on FPGAworld website, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • Email promotion to be sent to our extensive database of industry professionals.
  • Company name in “Aktuel Elektronik”-magazine, Denmark and web Industrial professionals.
  • Registration list (about 200 Stockholm and 100 Copenhagen)
  • Extra companies on same booth 2000 SEK/company.
  • Register all on the website
  • We look forward to welcoming you at the FPGAworld Conference!